Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weight Watchers Wednesday

So, I woke up this morning and got on the scale. Reads: 198lbs. Can this be right?

Weight watchers. I joined WW at the beginning of September of 2008 to, hopefully, help me take off some weight...especially since I wanted to get my weight down for the Philly Marathon. I started on September 2nd at 216.4lbs. I lost, but wasn't consistent with my meal plan....

Truth of the matter is - I don't like going. It pains me that I have to get on a scale in front of someone (other than myself) to keep myself accountable. I can't be honest with myself, I guess. I seem to rationalize pizza and beer and hamburgers and chili, et al...when I know it's not a good idea EVERY NIGHT. It's called moderation and I'm not very good at it. I tend to overeat all the wrong food!

It's just that it's hard to sit in a meeting with a bunch of overweight women talking about how much they love chocolate. (More than sex? I think not...) I mean, I have issues - but it's hard for me to relate to these people. Also, there are usually no men in the meeting. Very few, if at all. And usually they're gay. Yes, I can tell. Anyway, so - it's hard for me to go. That being said - I need to just do it. Bite the bullet. This is for me, myself and I.

So, here I am...March 4th, 2009. I'm going to start going (again). It's a pain, but it's worth it. I just need to be consistent. Didn't stay for the meeting, but I weighed in at 197.2lbs. I haven't weighed under 200lbs. in ten years. Five years ago I was 260. I've come a long way. I remember having a personal trainer in 2003 and just wanting to die. I even told my dad that I was addicted to pizza. I was managing a movie theater and couldn't stop eating popcorn and chocolate-cover almonds and drinking loads (gallons?) of Cherry Coke. Fast forward to 2009 and I don't do those things anymore. I've dropped 4.6 pounds since (the last time I went to Weight Watchers on) December 10th. Granted, I'm inconsistent and I've probably lost and gained that same weight twenty times over again. Still, I'm headed in the right direction. Keep doing what you're doing. You're on the right path.


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