Friday, March 13, 2009



Slept in until seven and still didn't want to wake up. If I had a working phone, I might've called in sick. (Actually, I wouldn't have...BUT I WAS TIRED.)

It's silly what I get upset over. Gave a guy 50 cents, then regretted it because I wanted a bagel and a paper this morning and didn't want to break a twenty to buy both.

1. I'm a bleeding heart, but I'm sure the guy needed the money more than me
2. I didn't need a bagel
3. I didn't need a paper either

I did buy the bagel though...

I finished my Nana's scarf. I cheated a little. Got help from a friend, didn't finish it "correctly", but it doesn't look too bad. I hope she gets it before St. Patty's Day and likes it.

Work wasn't too bad. Went to the Mishka flagship opening on Broadway (in Brooklyn today). It was neat, but maybe I'm just too old for that shit.

Hung out with my roomie. We went to eat hamburgers...because we love hamburgers. I know. It's Lent. No meat on Fridays. But I did it. We had fun catching up and some other friends showed up unexpectedly. So we hung out and chatted and made a night of it. Her schedule's been crazy. She has been flying cross country every few days for work. Sounds intense. She says I look good and the weight drop is totally noticeable.

We then came home and caught up on an office episode. That's all we did. I had to go to sleep in order to wake up to go to my run tomorrow.

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