Wednesday, March 11, 2009



Biting my nails again. Actually, I haven't stopped. It's just a gross, bad habit - and, like anything else bad for me, it's hard to stop. I will continue with giving up such a nasty habit, but it's really the least of my worries.

What I probably should be worried about is blood in my urine. Yep. After my run tonight, I had bloodpiss. I've had before (in August?), so it wasn't as alarming as the first time it happened. Plus - the first time it happened, it was painful. That said...while I know it should be cause for some concern, I almost see it as a rite of passage (as crazy as that sounds). See - to me - I associate bloody pee with ultrarunners. After reading about all the running greats that do fifty, or a hundred plus miles at a time having blood in their urine - - I see it as some "next level" type shit. I've arrived!

Seeing blood in your urine can cause more than a little anxiety. Yet blood in urine — known medically as hematuria — isn't always a matter for concern. Strenuous exercise can cause blood in urine, for instance. So can a number of common drugs, including aspirin. But urinary bleeding can also indicate a serious disorder.
There are two types of blood in urine. Blood that you can see is called gross hematuria. Urinary blood that's visible only under a microscope is known as microscopic hematuria and is found when your doctor tests your urine for another condition. Either way, it's important to determine the reason for the bleeding.
Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Blood in urine caused by exercise usually goes away on its own in a day or two, but other problems often require medical care.

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