Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Some days are better than others. It's a given. Of course, that doesn't mean I should just give up. Inspiration. Motivation. Will Power. Determination. All that good shit.

Woke up on the wrong side of bed. My phone died. Like, DEAD. Work was weird. Our boss is restructuring our duties. She did that in January. I'm good at what I do. Just let me do it...

More food, less exercise = fat

I ran after work. While it wasn't the ten miles I had planned to do (I forgot my socks), it was a good, fast run. Like, sub 9:30 min./miles. (That's fast for me...) It's easier to run fast when everybody at the gym is running faster than you.

Today was officially the one year anniversary at my job. I've made it a year. Many ups and downs. It's been kinda down, since we got the new veep. We can't figure out what she's thinking and/or doing. It's scary at times. Will she get rid of us all?

Anyway, this is a good time to ponder and reminisce over the last year - the good and the bad:

first, the bad..

Push myself too hard/Too hard on myself
Went out with a dumb girl
The dumb girl broke up with me
Didn't get to take any classes (money is an issue...)
Didn't lose as much weight as I wanted
General, non-focus issues
Sent my dogs off :(
Anxiety (social, etc..)
Rarely attended Weight Watcher's meetings
Didn't live up to my potential
Didn't I mention I was hard on myself?

and now for the good...

Rode in the NYC Century
Trips to Chicago (twice!), L.A., Philly, Olympia/Seattle, Houston
Started eating better/joined Weight Watchers
Joined NYRR
Joined an awesome gym
Ran a marathon (w/my twin!)
Found the woman of my dreams
Got a great job (brought on staff!)
Bought a plush new bed
Learned how to live without [BUYING] things

If I really think about it, even the bad is good. Especially with things the way they are (economy, daily craziness), I have nothing to be down about. That being said...this will be a good year.

The best is yet to come.

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