Friday, March 6, 2009


I couldn't wake up this morning. Or rather, I didn't wake up this morning. It's hard for me. I'm not a morning person. That said - it's a choice. If I had a job that started at 5 AM, Lord knows that I would wake up early enough to get there. I had two early jobs (serving breakfast) where I had to be at work early. I was never late. Why can't I treat exercise the same way? Why can't it just be like clock work? I want it to be routine. So important to me that I never miss it. Like Goggins.

Please...don't waste your weekend. Do it up! Ten mile run in Central Park, or whatever. Just keep moving. Hell...exercise in the morning and at night. Start riding your bike next week, as well. It's warming up and will be beautiful.

I will say that I finished off the week with a great run. That's right -- I went to the gym after work and ran 6 miles in one hour (or 10 minutes per mile). It was fairly difficult but I stuck with it and did it. I was proud of myself. I can't wait to see in two weeks how far I've come...

All and all, a good week. Just keep it up.

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