Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday...what to do? Goto the Apollo Theater tour? (...last day of Black History Month!) Go see a movie? Just stay home and watch Netflix? So many options and so little time.

I woke up this morning and weighed 205. Not too shabby. I got down all the way to 203 this week, but I had an Indian lunch buffet to celebrate a co-worker's birthday yesterday with no workout. It happens. I would love to be under 200 by Monday, but I won't be bothered if I'm not ( long as I keep working at it and losing weight). 7.5lbs. is a lot of weight to lose in a week. Maybe too much. That's some Biggest Loser shit right there. The average (i.e. realistic) weight to lose PER WEEK is one to two pounds. And, supposedly, the slower you lose it - the better chance you have keeping it all off. I lost almost four times that amount. Crazy. I just don't want to lose it just to gain it back. I've done it before. NEVER AGAIN! Can I please get to, at least, 190 before I'm 35? Each year, before my birthday, my biggest birthday wish is to not be fat on my birthday. Of course, I have the whole year to get lose the weight...but it's totally apparent when birthday month rolls around.

I wrote this to two friends today:

Sorry to take time out of your busy schedule of work and family life - BUT -
As someone who's qualified for the Boston Marathon, what would your suggestion be for someone who would like to qualify and can only run a 5 hour 30 minute marathon? I don't care how long it takes to qualify. I can be 50 years old. I've got time. Yes, I'm asking you...
How do I get down from 12:00 minute miles to 7:30? Any help would be much appreciated. ThanksP.S. I'm serious.
Hope all is well!

I know it's not about being better off than others. It's all about dealing with my own issues and making my own life better. However, when I read stuff like this

( I feel a little bit better about myself. I know I shouldn't, but I do. I'm shallow like that...

Before I shout out the lights, I leave the world with this:

There's only one thing that I know how to do well
And I've often been told that you only can do
What you know how to do well
And that's be you
Be what you're like
Be like yourself

(After 20 plus years, I still love TMBG...)

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