Saturday, February 21, 2009

As of today, I have 35 days until my 35th birthday. Here are a few things that I would like to accomplish (or, at the very least, attempt):

  • Lose some weight. I currently weigh 212.5 lbs. this fluctuates drastically from week to week, as if I'm constantly on my period - or something wack-a-doo like that. Even in 2009 (all two months of it) I've weighed anywhere from 202.5 to 215.5. It's truly a roller coaster ride. I would not only like to get below 200, but eclipse my wildest dreams...whatever they may be. Can I be 155 lbs.? It's hard to tell. All I know is that my BMI right now tells me that I'm morbidly obese (that's funny...I don't feel like I look or feel that bad) and I pretty much have to be under 170lbs. to be considered "normal".

  • Stop biting my nails. It's gross.

  • Not drink so much. Or so regularly. Or so much, so regularly. I'm not an alcoholic (by any means), but - like food - I use alcohol for the good times AND the bad. I seem to drink as much when I'm stressed as I do when I'm happy and celebrating. It's a crutch I need not depend on anymore. I haven't had a drop since last monday at dinner (when i went out with friends). while I only had two, I had plenty the day prior. Just one is never just one with me. That being said, I plan on having no alcohol until my birthday -- with maybe one exception being St. Patrick's Day. THAT'S THE DAY OF MY PEOPLES. Still. moderation is key. As much I love fatty foods, I love heavy beer(s) just as much...if not more. My life is the "this is why you're fat" blog ( I've lived it. Done it. Seen it. Taken it as far as I could. I don't want that life anymore.

  • I would like to run, swim, bike...hell, just exercise more. Hell. Just move more. I started taking the stairs at work this past week. Really? Should it be that hard for me to walk up nine floors? I want to be a more active person. I have dreams of running Badwater ( But how can you dream it, if you don't live it? There has to be a process to get from A to B.

There are plenty others. My list is never-ending. Or should I say lists. (I have dog lists, personal finance lists, book lists, etc..) But this is just the beginning. Right now, I feel, this should be a priority. I SHOULD BE A PRIORITY. It all starts with one step in the right direction.

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